Monday, September 11, 2006

The Art of Deception

Head Games-the act of deluding; deception by creating illusory ideas; deception for benefits for self

See that term, if you are a guy memorize it. That is what you have to deal with. Girls -and some guys- are constantly playing head games.

First type of head game- Girl v. girl

I recently had a conversation with a group of people and drew a conclusion that a group of girls can emotionally scar some one for life. I know for a fact that girls are one of God's cruelest creations. We will find the one girl who has something that we want, or does something that we don't like and we will tear her apart.

You start by giving her the fake compliments, but when she leaves its all trash talk. The next thing would be the freeze out...everyone giving her the silent treatment, or worse throwing the you've been removed party and she knows everyone but her was invited.

I will admit I did a for of that to a girl named Shelton, and I have had people attempt to do it to me. It's the cruelest game that every girl will play. All it takes to become a target is saying one wrong thing, or hanging out with the wrong person and you are marked. You might as well change schools, because you are going to be destroyed.

Type 2: Child v. parents

I'm completely guilty of this one, I hate to admit.
This is one I've realized on my own. I am constantly telling my parents everything and nothing. I tell them everything that they want to know but not what they need to know. I tell them where I'm going but not but not how I'm getting there. If I'm going to the movies I say what movie but not which theater.....I really don't know why I do that. I'm no longer doing anything that they would be angry at me for. If I believed in stereotyping then I would say it's because I'm a teenager, and I don't want to tell my parents whats going on. Since I don't believe in stereotyping I think there might be different reasons that cause us to 'lie' to our parents.

I know I lie to my parents because a few years ago I used to do some pretty stupid things. I would always tell my parents where I was but not who was all going to be there. It's foolish to hang out with people that you know your parents wouldn't approve, there has to be a reason. Unless your parents fear something ridiculous.

type 3

Girl and Guy

Notice it's not girl versus guy. Girls are constantly playing head games with guys. Even if we don't notice it...we are. I see girls constantly doing things that make guys wonder about them.
The first thing would be attention seeking.
It usually starts with them laughing really loud, if that doesn't work usually getting 'hurt' would be the next thing. As long as she get's attention she's happy. Another attention seeking technique is acting like you don't want attention. Staying back away from the group and just looking on with a bored expression.

The second thing would be hanging around with you but then going over to another guy and acting all friendly...this could also be considered a form of attention seeking, but it disgust me so much it had to be it's own catagory. When a girl talks to a guy and acts all friendly with hiim she just wants you to notice that she's having fun not talking with you. The easiest way to tell is if she laughs out loud or flicks her hair...

hair flicking bothers me too. Do it once just to get it away from your face, do it multiple times and I will grab some scissors and fix that problem. Ok on with what my point was.

First all theses 'head games' are used daily. They are a part of our society as much as music is.
The reason people play head games is to better their position, that's it. All this deception for personal gain.

I do want to say before I close of with my question. Some girl (myself included) have more guy friends than female friends and they will say that just because you talk to different guys doesn't mean you are looking for attention. That's true, but certain mannerisms will become apparent when a girl is looking for attention.

Alright closing question. Is there really any gain from deception? Isn't deception still lying? Why is deception so accepted in our society?

Other questions I would love to answer. Maybe some day I will. Right now I have no answer to them.


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