Thursday, September 14, 2006


this week at my school was S.E.W. , or Spiritual Emphasis Week.
What they lectured us on? Media.
Our Speaker, C.J. Hitz, was ok. Most of the week he talked about the problems with the media and how we care about the television more than the Bible. Which in all honesty is true but today he talked about how girls presented themselves. He said that girls are like cars....he honestly compared us to vehicles. There are two types of girls. The classier and the cheaper. He said that there girls that are like ford rangers, or other inexpensive cars that are constantly being advertised, then there are girls like the lamborghini who don't need to advertise themselves, because they are the high quality.

"So.....Are you a Lamborghini or Ford Ranger?"
"Well sometimes I feel like a farm truck with the windshield missing and bullet holes in the body, and if it's a really bad horn goes off randomly."

I'm afraid that there are more 'ford ranger' type girls out there than 'lamborghini' girls. What is more frightening is that I think I fall closer to the Ford ranger end of the spectrum. I don't dress like a slut, but I'm constantly trying to make myself happier, cooler, better, faster, stronger.... the list goes on. I'm always trying to impress one person or another. That way they like me. Just like everyone likes a cheap car.

The problem in the car industry is that there is competition for the least expensive car. So it's the same with girls. They are constantly competing with other girls to get that certain someone's attention. They dress immodestly, they act stupid, and they snub girls that are better than them.

Another problem Ford Rangers don't go with the Lamborghini. The cheap girls and the classier girls don't mix, one will always be affected, and usually it's the classier girl who tends to be affected.

Our speaker also made a point to the boys that they will either be protectors or predators. That they should look at girls not as toys, but as someone's daughter, future wife, and future mother.
That they should think about their future wife out there in the world right now, and hope that she is being treated right.

So yeah...the message was about, STD's, promise rings, and abstinence. Pretty much everything that we knew being put into one giant lump of a 2 hour chapel.

I will say he ended it fairly well, with the over all theme of the week being media he gave us option of swithing our main stream sex insinuating music to bands that had different messages in their music, no it wasn't all christian, though some was, but I actually like some of the bands, like Pillare, and Tree 63.


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