Saturday, September 23, 2006

life is war; love the battle field

Another Pon and Zi cartoon.
So life has been hectic. Crazy, odd, freaky and all that fun stuff. I'm beggining to get my bearing of being a senior and all that. I meet with my Liason officer next week for an interview and I'm a bit nervous. A lot of people don't think I can handle being the in the Air Force. I don't know why, they all think I cry to much. So what if I cry every now and then. I'm a friggen girl and we have mood swings, get used to that fact.
Todays post probably has no amazing value to anyone, but I need to vent. Last night my best friend had to confront one of her ex-friends about butting in to where they don't belong. He needs to get bitch-slapped for all the trouble he's causing, he claims he's trying to help, but he's making her miserable. ugh....I hate seeing her in pain and not being able to do anything.
Oh and let me tell problems seem to get bigger too. I have to deal with a few boy being a kid from conneticut I knew for one day...and he claims he loves me. Chah-Right. Then I have a few problems here at home...not even starting with them, just incase they might find time to read this.
My mother is leaving next weekend for D.C. and I won't see here except for weekends now. We're trying to sell the house, and I"m now the woman of the house while she's gone. I don't want that responsibilty of taking care of my sister while my dad works on taking care of the house and getting it sold.
I really just want to get through soccer with out going to the emergancy room again. Get through this know the basics.
There is also my dear friend 'Joker' who is currently on the verge of asking me out. Or so he says he is. As soon as he gets his car fixed and a job. Which is cool, b/c I'm not completly sure about dating him yet. He's my best guy friend. I don't want to mess that up.
Ok so I totally dumped here, but I needed to do something, I didn't have a game today to get my frustration out.


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